PST71D-PRO with D-Pro Controller This rotator uses a Hall effect Encoder for the position and turning.
Extra Heavy duty antenna Rotator, handle up 8.8m2 (80sq. Ft.) of antenna windload.
Worm-wheel technology irreversible under mast torque.
Large starting and braking torque
Soft start e soft stop with programmable ramp speed.
Two years warranty
- Max wind load area 8.8 m�
- Braking torque 11.081Kgcm = 1086Nm
- Rotating torque 6.122Kgcm = 600Nm
- Max vertical load 1.000Kg
- Motor voltage 24 VDC
- Rotating range 500� (70+360+70)
- Rotation speed ~100 seconds for 360�
- Reading accuracy ~1% no backlash
- Antenna mast OD 40-80mm
- Operational temperature range (�C): rotor unit -40� � +60�
control box -20� � +60�
- Storage temperature (�C): rotor unit -40� � +70�
control box -25� � +60�
- Control box power input 230VAC (115VAC) , 50-60Hz, 50VA
- Direction reading Digital (potentiometer)
- Limits Electronic, adjustable by software
- Rotator cable 5 wires (2 x 1mm� + 3 x 0,5mm�)
- Weight (rotator only) ~ 30kg